I Help Chronic Patients Improve their symptoms Fast 
And Crush Their Chronic Condition

By strengthening their body and mind

Even if they have been everywhere and tried everything, with no success.

I Help Chronic Patients Improve their symptoms Fast 
And Crush Their Chronic Condition

By strengthening their body and mind

Even if they have been everywhere and tried everything, with no success.

Our Vision
We help Chronic Patients make their healing dreams happen.
Our Vision
We help Chronic Patients make their healing dreams happen.
Our Mission
By helping Chronic Patients to become Healthy, Happy And Full of Energy we will transform the health and lives of our patients, their families and more people on the planet to make our communities a better place to live.
Our Mission
By helping Chronic Patients to become Healthy, Happy And Full of Energy we will transform the health and lives of our patients, their families and more people on the planet to make our communities a better place to live.
What is a Natural Healing Doctor and How Can He Help You?
A natural doctor is someone that treat the whole person by assessing and addressing the physical, chemical and emotional stress using safe and proven holistic techniques that speed up the patient healing to allow him to perform at a much higher level

This innovative kind of healing was created by Amazon bestselling author, Dr. Alain Salas, who developed these concepts going through his own personal physical. chemical and emotional challenges.
We help patients with Chronic diseases, athletic performance, depression, anxiety, AutoImmune Diseases, who feel trapped by the current healthcare system or tired of low performance living in their daily lives and at work to build a true and long term higher performance living founded on proven body and mind healing systems that create more health, more happiness and a lot more energy
What is a Natural Healing Doctor and How Can He Help You?
A natural doctor is someone that treat the whole person by assessing and addressing the physical, chemical and emotional stress using safe and proven holistic techniques that speed up the patient healing to allow him to perform at a much higher level

This innovative kind of healing was created by Amazon bestselling author, Dr. Alain Salas, who developed these concepts going through his own personal physical. chemical and emotional challenges.
We help patients with Chronic diseases, athletic performance, depression, anxiety, AutoImmune Diseases, who feel trapped by the current healthcare system or tired of low performance living in their daily lives and at work to build a true and long term higher performance living founded on proven body and mind healing systems that create more health, more happiness and a lot more energy
I have so much energy, and I’m happy, and I don’t have any pain - and I’m just so joyful that I don’t have to feel the way I used to feel.
Elementary School Teacher
The Truth About Your Health
If you’re like most chronic patients we work with, you’re very committed to improving your health. However, you’re probably not as educated as you would like when it comes to knowing how to do it. The truth is that the health care system helps us to address our symptoms but does very little to help us to completely heal from our ailments.
Chronic patients work with us because we fill this critical gap by treating the person holistically.We can achieve that by assessing and addressing the physical, chemical and emotional aspects of the dis-ease even if they have been everywhere and tried everything, with no success.

The most successful patients are those that recognize that they have to take charge of their health.So,they understand the need to address the causes of the dis-ease not just the symptoms in their healing journey— to truly heal from their ailments...

And that’s why they turn to us.
I had a headache every single day. I felt like I was always in a fog. I always felt kind of drained, kind of tired... As I went thru the detox protocol, I didn’t have that brain fog anymore and I got my energy back!
Can you relate?
Do you feel bad that you have to say NO to your loved ones because you are experiencing chronic pain and simply do not have the energy to be present for them?

Do you wake up in the middle of the night because you are in pain and your mind won’t turn off?

Are there times you have to spend so much time managing your symptoms that your life is passing you by?

Is there time that you feel so depressed, overburdened and hopeless that you simply want to give up on helping your chronic condition?

Do you sometimes wonder where the person you used to know has been?

Do you feel at times lonely and responsible for burdening the lives of the people that are supporting you?

My name is Dr. Alain Salas, I’m known as the Natural Healing Doctor and I’ve served my patients for 25 plus years.

I’m fiercely committed to helping you remove the neurological blocks controlling your health, your emotions and your physical performance so you can achieve your goals and dreams and not leave them to chance.

I believe that Chronic Patients can improve their symptoms fast, crush their chronic conditions and reach their optimal health when we address not just their physical stress but their chemical and emotional stress.

My mission and commitment is for you to achieve high performance living and wellbeing fast, even if you have been chronically sick for years
My name is Dr. Alain Salas, I’m known as the Natural Healing Doctor and I’ve served my patients for 25 plus years.
I’m fiercely committed to helping you remove the neurological blocks controlling your health, your emotions and your physical performance so you can achieve your goals and dreams and not leave them to chance.
I believe that Chronic Patients can improve their symptoms fast, crush their chronic conditions and reach their optimal health when we address not just their physical stress but their chemical and emotional stress.
My mission and commitment is for you to achieve high performance living and wellbeing fast, even if you have been chronically sick for years
Trust Me. If I Can Do It, So Can You.
Hear about my "rags to riches" story.
DR ALAIN SALAS © 2020. All Rights Reserved